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“more misanthropic”
misanthropic (mis" uhn THROHP ik; miz" uhn THROHP ik) (adjective), more misanthropic, most misanthropic
1. Descriptive of a bitterness or contempt for humans in general: Gregory was a very misanthropic person who generally abhorred the behavior of people because not only were the topics on politics in the newspapers and on TV so distressful, but also the articles about so much crime in the city where he lived.
2. Referring to avoiding the company of other people because of a strong preference to be alone and away from others: If anyone says something, or does anything, that is especially hostile or obviously untrue; this is probably coming from a misanthropic individual.
2. Referring to avoiding the company of other people because of a strong preference to be alone and away from others: If anyone says something, or does anything, that is especially hostile or obviously untrue; this is probably coming from a misanthropic individual.
In Walden, the author, Henry David Thoreau, describes his misanthropic and solitary life in the woods, where he lived alone, at least a mile away from any neighbor and had a quiet and independent life.
This entry is located in the following units:
anthrop-, anthropo-, -anthrope, -anthropic, -anthropical, -anthropically, -anthropism, -anthropist, -anthropoid, -anthropus, -anthropy
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miso-, mis-, -misia
(page 1)